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Observation 3.1.14 September 16, 2003 Has it been about a month since my last observation? Whoops, sorry about that. I can make the usual excuses - house, wedding, job, etc., but I'm sure you don't really care, do ya? Hurricane Isabel is apparently on the way, and the hype surrounding this one is spinning faster than she is. I can't wait until one of the channels decides to keep us on 24-hour hurricane watch, and it probably should happen sometime tonight. The funny thing is that I am sort of anxious to see what happens. The usual immature thoughts are going through my head - like the hope that I won't have to go to work on Friday (don't lie to me, I'm sure I'm not the only one). The last hurricane that came our way was that one in 1999. I remember being at work (Penn State), and not being able to leave until like 2:00 (the school hates to close for any reason, but this was ridiculous). I had trouble actually finding a way home from work - a lot of the streets that I needed to take were flooded, and my Hyundai make be named after a shark, but this "shark" doesn't particularly care much for water. I also remember a hurricane (I'm not good with names) that was supposed to hit us sometime around 1985. School was closed, and all we had was wind. I don't think we got more than a little drizzle, but the hype machine that is our news stations built it up to be Apocalyptic. I have this strange feeling that this one might be the same. It's already decreased about 50%, but still has strong winds. I hope for everyone's sake that the moisture from the storm stays away, our ground is supersaturated (big college word) enough as it is. Plus, I don't want to test our new house out with this kind of storm just yet. We took the normal precautions and bought water, milk, bread, batteries, and some other items (I sound like those old people that by 3 gallons of milk, 5 loaves of bread, and 18 boxes of eggs right before a 2-inch snow-storm). Hopefully, the power won't go out, because I don't know what I'll do with myself if we don't have power (books? What are those?). Anyway, I hope everyone stays safe, and I hope Davers will take this weekend off (in other words, I hope he doesn't decide to go fishing down in Brigantine. More house updates, and other funny stories coming soon. Please keep reading! Observation 3.1.1 - New Grieb Updates (new house, new job, new Grieb) - 3/17/03 Observation 3.1.3 - Philadelphia Flyers playoff prediction, new house - 4/7/03 Observation 3.1.4 - Bull Durham - 4/14/03 Observation 3.1.5 - House update, Hockey playoffs, Philly Sports, Smokin' Steve - 4/28/03 Observation 3.1.7 - Summer?, barbecues, party - 5/27/03 Observation 3.1.8 - Pet Shop Van story - 6/3/03 Observation 3.1.9 - Sue's Shower - 6/14/03 Observation 3.1.10 - The end of an Era - 6/28/03 Observation 3.1.11 - New house update - 7/16/03 Observation 3.1.12 - Sars-Stock - 8/2/03 Observation 3.1.13 - Styk's House X - 8/18/03 Observation 3.1.14 - Hurricane Memories - 9/16/03