Weekly Observation
Here is a list of observations from 2004. Enjoy!
Observation 4.1 - Best of 2003
- 1/14/04
Observation 4.2 - Rants on Taco Bell, Super
Bowl, etc. - 2/6/04
Observation 4.3 - More Rants - corner
entertainment center, etc. - 2/17/04
Observation 4.4 - More Rants - March Madness,
Terrell Owens, etc. - 3/18/04
Observation 4.5 - The Comcast Story - 4/3/04
Observation 4.6 - Brandon's Wedding - 4/28/04
Observation 4.7 - Iraqi abuse, American Idol,
Match Game - 5/27/04
Observation 4.8 - Philadelphia Sports, Van
Halen, The Kinks - 6/22/04
Observattion 4.9 - Styk's House
Observation 4.10 - Phillies Phailures -
August 2, 2004
Observation 4.11 - Vacation notes - August
22, 2004
Observation 4.12 - Phillies, Olympics, VMA
Rants - September 3, 2004
Observation 4.13 - New Ravens Fans -
September 28, 2004
Observation 4.14 - Politics - October 14,
Observation 4.15 - ALCS 2004 - October 21,
Observation 4.16 - Thoughts about election,
Eagles, etc. - November 1, 2004
Observation 4.17 - Thoughts about Elton
John, Hockey, etc. November 10, 2004
Observation 4.18 - Christmas Stuff -
November 30, 2004
Observation 4.19 - Best/Worst List,
Predictions - December 22, 2004